How to Keep a Leaky Bath Dry
This guide will show you, step by step, how to seal around a bathtub. It will also tell you what tools and materials you’ll need and how to get rid of the sealant that you already have on there.
Should you seal your bath again?
Whether you want to seal your brand-new bathroom suite or just give your old tub a new lease on life. Sealant can give your home the quick makeover you’ve been looking for. If the silicone sealant you have now looks dull and mouldy, it’s time to think about getting a new one that won’t break the bank.

If you don’t change your old sealant, water can damage your floors. Some sealants are needed if your bathtub is against a wall. This will stop water from running over the edge, down the side, and collecting on the floor. Things like rotting and mould can grow in this way, which can be bad for your health and cost a lot to fix.
Step by Step Instructions on How to Seal a Bath
It’s very important to seal a bathtub. Bathroom sealant is a big part of keeping water from getting behind the bathtub and rotting the floors. The good news is that sealing a bath is one of the easiest things you can do yourself. If your bathroom seal is starting to look mouldy and dry, it might be time to repack and reseal it.
Step 1: Remove the old sealant
You can either use a sealant removal made just for that purpose or scrape off the old sealant with a craft knife, make sure you protect your hands, and carefully cut away with the knife. Then, remove the extra sealant by hand. You should be careful not to scratch the bath when you use the knife at this stage.

Step 2: Apply sealant remover
If you choose to use a sealant remover, follow the directions on the bottle and slowly pump the removal onto the sealant. This ought to break down right away.

Step 3: Remove any smaller parts
Ensure you remove all the sealant. It should be easily removed by hand. Any smaller parts can be rubbed away with your finger.

Step 4: Fill your bath with water
Next, you’ll need to add water to the bathtub after taking off the sealer. This is necessary because you will need to put weights on the bathtub to help you place the bath seal correctly.

Step 5: Warm soapy water
Before you can learn how to properly seal a bath, you need to make sure the area is ready. Fill a bucket with warm water that has soap in it. You should use about half a bucket of water and a cap full of soap. Afterward, clean the edges of your tub with your sponge. This will get rid of all the grease. After that, the area will need to be completely dry before any bath sealer can be used.

Step 6: Apply the silicone
Once the area is dry, use your silicone gun to put the beads all the way around the edges of your tub. The most important thing is to use the gun with even pressure and a steady speed.

Step 7: Apply washing-up liquid
Put a little dish soap on the tip of your finger. After that, use your finger to smooth the sides of the silicone sealant. This will give you a clean finish.

Step 8: Leave the water
Make sure the bath sealant dries properly before removing the water. When in doubt as to how long bath should dry, check the manufacturer’s guidelines to see the approximate time.

What exactly do You Need to Seal a Bath
A silicone sealant around the edges of the tub is the most common way to keep water out. So that you can follow our step-by-step guide and get the best possible finish.
Here’s what you’ll need:
- Bucket
- Cloth
- Craft Knife
- Silicone Gun
- Sponge
You can buy these things online or at a DIY shop near you. Also, a brush and bucket might come in handy to clean up any sealer that comes off during the removal process.
Which Safety Equipment Is Needed to Seal a Bath?
No matter if this is your first time doing a home job, you should always remember to stay safe.
- Being careful with a craft knife that is very sharp is very important, so make sure you wear safety glasses and gloves to protect your hands.
- It is also recommended that you wear safety glasses when cleaning old sealant.
- If you choose to use a special silicone sealant, you will need to wear safety glasses to keep the substance out of your eyes. If you get any in your eyes, wash them out with water for a few minutes. Please take out your contact lenses if you are wearing them. If the discomfort doesn’t go away, please see a doctor.
Materials You Need to Seal a Bath
It’s not enough to have the right tools and safety gear; you also need the right materials for the job. It is important that you buy the following things:
- Silicone Sealant
- Specialist sealant remover
- Washing Up Liquid
Steps to Take Before Sealing a Bath
Before you do anything else, make sure you completely remove any old sealant from the edge of your bath. From now on, you need to put on your safety glasses and gloves. There are two ways to get rid of the sealant:

Using a craft knife
For this method, you will need to use a craft knife or another specialised knife to cut into the sealer that is already there. After that, carefully scrape the sealer off and remove it. Please be careful not to scratch the surface of the bath when you use the knife.
Use your hands to get rid of any extra. If you still have small pieces of sealant left, rub them together with your fingers. The pressure should make them easier to remove.
Using a specialist sealant remover
This remover is cheap and easy to find at any home improvement shop. Basically, this is a gel that you put on top of the sealant layer that you already have. You will need to leave the remover for the amount of time that the maker says to.
- Then use a craft knife to scrape it off. Finally, use your hands to remove what’s left; don’t worry, it’s safe to do so. If there is any left over, don’t forget to wash it off.
- You will need to get the sealant ready before you can learn how to seal around a bath. For the right way to get your sealer into the gun, please follow these easy steps:
- Get your caulking gun or silicone gun and filler ready.
- The button on the back of the caulking gun needs to be let go. Press down on this with your thumb. The steel rod that goes through the gun will then become less tight.
- Pull the rod back as far as you can with your other hand, or ask someone to help you.
- Then, put the silicone into the caulking gun so that the nozzle is looking away from you. To do this step, hold the rod away again. After that, put the sealer where you want it.
- After making sure the silicone glue is in the right place in the frame, you can insert the rod into the tube. To do this, press the trigger once more and pull the rod back towards the frame.
- To open up the plastic top, you will need to use a craft knife or scissors. Be careful as you do this.
- Cut the tip of the silicone as close to a 45-degree angle as you can before connecting the head or nozzle. This will make it much easier to use.
Read the instructions that came from the manufacturer if you’re not sure.
Maintaining a bath seal
The good news is that once you seal your bath, it doesn’t need much upkeep. For your sealant to look good and keep mould from growing, you will need to clean it often.
To keep mould away, you should clean your sealer once a month.
- White vinegar and water are what you should use to clean your sealer. Using vinegar to clean is a great way to get rid of any mould that you might find.
- Mix warm water and white vinegar together, then pour the mixture into a spray bottle.
- Rub the sealer with an old toothbrush in a circular motion. After that, please use water to clean. is great for getting rid of mould and cleaning everything else.
Mould grows when there is a lot of water in the bathroom. As much as possible, try to let air flow through the room to keep the bathroom fresh.
If you can, use a fan or put one in your bathroom. Keep a window open for 15 minutes after taking a bath or shower if not. This will let fresh air into the room.
How to Get Rid of Bath Sealant
You can take out your bath caulk in a few easy steps if it needs to be replaced because of mould or normal wear and tear.
- To get rid of the sealer, read and follow the directions on the bottle.
- After giving the remover the right amount of time to work, use a craft knife to scrape off the sealer. Be careful not to scratch the bath’s surface as you do this.
- Rub the sealant in places that are hard to reach with your fingers and use your fingers to pull out any sealant that sticks to your fingers.
- You will need to use warm soapy water and a sponge to clean the area well. Clean the outside.
- Dry the spot with a dry cloth.
- Before you put any sealant on the place, it should be dry.
Common Mistakes to Avoid
- Skipping the cleaning step: Old sealant residue or dirt can make it hard for the new sealer to stick properly.
- Putting on too much sealant: This can make the finish look bad and lose material. Apply a steady, even bead of sealant.
- Not smoothing the sealant: A sealant that isn’t smooth can trap water and dirt, which can cause mould to grow and the material to break down.
How long does it take for bath sealer to dry?
We suggest that you give the bath sealer 24 hours to dry. To keep the sealant from cracking, please make sure you leave the water in the bathtub while it dries.
Once the bath is sealed, when can I use it again?
Please wait at least 24 to 36 hours before taking a bath. But this time could be longer depending on things like the type of silicone, the air in the room, and the temperature at the moment. Before putting water on your sealer, you should always check the manufacturer’s instructions.
Would it be okay to put new sealer on top of old sealant?
No, you should never put new sealer on top of old sealant. If your old sealant starts to wear off or grows mould, water and mould will still be able to get through and damage your home. Putting new sealer on top of old would also look very messy.
Which sealer is best for the area around the bathtub?
We suggest using Everbuild 500 because it dries quickly and doesn’t age, so it won’t change colour much. It can also resist mould growth. While all bathroom silicones are waterproof, not all of them can also resist mould growth.
When you seal the bath, do you need to fill it up?
You do, yes. We suggest that you fill the tub with water before sealing it. This will properly weigh the tub down and keep the sealant from cracking when you go to take a bath.