Covid-19 and staying safe
Your safety is our first priority. Our repairs staff are following government guidance while working in your home to keep you and them safe, and to prevent the spread of COVID-19.
If you are worried about having repair staff or contractors in your home or if you have other concerns or questions, you can contact us on 020 8191 1445 or (this email address cannot be used to report repairs).
Staying safe and well
When you request a repair, we will ask if you or anyone you live with has COVID-19 symptoms (high temperature, a new continuous dry cough, or a loss or change to your sense of taste or smell) or has had them in the last 10 days. The information you give us will stay on record for 60 days from the date that you call us.
How we will keep you safe
Any council officer or contractor who comes to your home will be following strict guidance from the Government and our public health team to keep you and them safe, and to prevent the spread of Covid-19. They will:
- Wash or sanitize their hands regularly and wear any protective equipment needed to work safely in your home.
- Only enter rooms where works are happening (they will never use your toilet) and will aim to keep 2m away from you and anyone else in your home.
- Use personal transport whenever they can (car, bike, walking) to get to work and if they use public transport or a shared vehicle, they will wear a face covering.
- Before they start work, contractors will sign to confirm that they are fit for work (that they don’t have any Covid-19 symptoms or live with anyone who does).
How you can keep our staff safe
- Contact us or our contractor if you or anyone you live with has had a positive Covid-19 test or symptoms in the 10 days before your appointment or the 10 days after your appointment.
- Keep 2 meters away from staff and contractors whenever you can. If possible, stay in another room while they are working.
- Continue to wash your hands regularly with hot water and soap and for at least 20 seconds.
- If you or anyone in your household has symptoms and has not taken a test, we strongly recommend you arrange a test at or by calling 119.
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